Distance Learning

Superintendent Kevin Baumgarn
High School Principal Beau Snyder
Elementary Principal Alyson Parsley
K-12 School Counselor Randii Reed


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Distance Learning Job Roles


Communication Plan


Level of Continuation


Ensuring Student Success through Robust Relationships


Health & Safety Considerations


Attendance Procedures


Ensuring Equitable Services for Students and Families during Closure


Preparing for Distance Learning


Staff Development


Student Development


Sample Letters and Resources


Student Access to Devices


Internet Access


Access to All Classes/Courses


Services Assurances to Students with Needs




Special Education and 504


English Language Learners


School Counseling


High-Quality, Effective, Standards-Based Education


Student Engagement/Standards-Based Instruction


Provisions for Instructional Support






Academic progress monitoring


Student Lunch


Human Resources, Processes, Protocols, and Policies


Distance Learning Job Roles


  • Take precautions as directed in the Lakota School District Health and Safety plan

  • Individuals identified as essential staff will complete their duties within the school building

    • Administration will have the authority to make other accommodations on an as needed basis


  • Provide communication to building principals, staff, and stakeholders

  • Prepare statements for stakeholders as needed

  • Prepare press releases and manage media contacts

  • Test communication systems to ensure they will be available when needed.

  • Organize district administrative meetings to ensure completion of plans and make necessary adjustments to plan

  • Manage and maintain lunch delivery program

  • Ensure availability of resources for distance learning

  • Inform staff of policy changes regarding leave, transportation, food service, etc.

Building Administrators

  • Monitor attendance of students through PowerSchool and use necessary resources to address attendance issues

  • Be prepared to address staff absences

  • Ensure and monitor implementation of distance learning plan and provide guidance through change of phases

  • Regularly monitor teacher lesson plans and direct instruction

  • Communicate changes/adjustments to distance learning schedule and office hours

  • Provide professional development opportunities regularly and as needed

  • Maintain contact and monitor information from NDDoH and NDDPI

  • Work with Nelson-Griggs Public Health as needed.

  • Work with the Superintendent to provide information as needed for all stakeholders

  • Determine event and school closures based on recommendations

  • Identify essential personnel and work duties

  • Prepare for business operations to continue as needed

  • Implement policy for leave, transportation, food service, etc. as set forth



  • Communicate with administration on attendance records

  • Document absences communicated by parents and inform teachers of student absences

    • Complete health screening questionnaire when parents call in student absences

  • Ensure absences are recorded in PowerSchool

  • Assist in maintaining a list of meal delivery, learning material delivery, and technology needs.


  • Follow enhanced cleaning procedures as prescribed by the supervisor.

  • Clean highly touched surfaces daily.

  • Follow recommendations from supervisor for alternative work hours & expectations.

Public Health Official

*No nurse on staff, rely on Public Health

  • Provide support to building principals and staff with response guidance and actions.

  • Assist in providing support to students exhibiting symptoms.

  • Ensure schools have needed medical supplies.

  • Monitor absence levels across the district and report any areas of concern to District officials.

  • Continue to provide recommendations to the district office in regard to closure.

  • Provide guidance as needed for various stakeholders


  • Follow Health and Safety plan to effectively transition between phase 2 and phase 3 of distance learning

  • Implement instructional opportunities during distance learning within the school building

    • Administration reserves the right to make accommodations on an as needed basis

  • Regularly communicate with parents

  • Reassure students and provide emotional supports as needed.

  • Direct additional supports as necessary including counseling services

  • Follow the distance learning schedule as set by building administrators

  • Continue to follow ND state standards with high quality instruction

  • Continuously assess students to ensure the learning and mastery of standards

  • Provide full continuation of services through distance learning platform

  • Record attendance in PowerSchool at the beginning of each class period

  • Develop and communicate online classroom procedures and expectations.

  • Maintain same grading procedures as in-person instruction

  • Provide tips and resources to make the online experience engaging, meaningful, and a setting where growth and success occurs

    • Ex. moving locations within household, brain breaks, yoga, standing

  • Participate in available professional development to strengthen online teaching skills

  • Communicate with administration on needed support, issues, and concerns

  • Be available during office hours

  • Continually address student/parent concerns regarding the Distance Learning Plan

  • Engage all students and continue to develop positive and healthy relationships

  • Consult and/or refer students to school counselors that have a need for mental health services and support

  • Provide accommodations and modifications to Special Education Educators and 504 Case Managers

  • Work with Special Education staff to determine appropriate modifications during distance learning.

  • Work with Schoolwide/Title educators to identify students needing intervention and/or extra support

  • Work with EL educators to insure time during instruction may be dedicated to EL students.

  • Provide assistance via email, Microsoft TEAMS, Google Classroom, Telephone, or class communication system.


  • Consult and work with Special Education educators

  • Be accessible on learning platforms to support students and teachers

  • Support preparation of any materials that may need to be available for students during distance learning.


Tech Department

  • Collect and maintain Acceptable Use Agreements to ensure the safety and proper use of devices by students and staff

  • Monitor device check-out/check-in system for student devices issued by the district.

  • Ensure effective operations of educational tools used for online learning.

  • Ensure appropriate security measures are in place to protect the privacy and safety of our staff and students in virtual environments.

  • Support teachers in providing instruction remotely and technology needs

  • Provide additional training and support as needed to students, parents, and staff.

  • Maintain efficient and effective help-desk operations that can be accessed by students, parents, and staff.

Food Service

  • Continue to follow all protocol established by ND Department of Health

  • Follow guidelines of Food Programming set forth by USDA & NDDPI

  • Prepare weekly menu

  • Order necessary food items on a weekly basis

  • Prepare and package meals for delivery

  • Load meals for transport

  • Work with administration to inform stakeholders as needed regarding lunch program

Our Commitments

Lakota Public Schools is committed to communicating our policies to students, staff, and stakeholders.  We will use NDDPI, NDSBA and NDDoH as a resource to adjust distance learning policies as needed.

Lakota Public Schools is committed to offering professional development opportunities to our staff to ensure the growth and success of our distance learning model.

Lakota Public Schools is committed to providing opportunities for input from students, parents, staff, and stakeholders on our distance learning model.

Lakota Public Schools is committed to providing a high quality, engaging distance learning experience for our students.


District leaders will work together to ensure consistent communication with stakeholders. The Superintendent will advise on specific measures to be taken during this event. Communication is provided through Instant Alerts, Website, Social Media, and messaging applications. To continue the strong relationships developed with students and families, instructional staff will have regular and consistent contact/communication with all students.

Distance Learning=Full Continuation

Full Continuation: Students will be able to access grade-level and subject-matter content. Instructional support is provided, including assessment and evaluation of work. Measurable student progress is expected.

Ensuring Student Success through Robust Relationships

Student relationships are our top priority. Instructional Staff are expected to connect with students on a daily basis through a variety of distance learning platforms keeping our District’s mission, vision, and beliefs at the forefront.

District Mission:

The Mission of Lakota Public Schools is to inspire minds, shape values, and build futures.

District Vision:

To equip all students with tools and strategies to learn and succeed in a global society.

We Believe:

  • Learning is important as a life-long skill.

  • All members of the school community assume responsibility for their choices and work together to achieve common goals through active engagement, leading with integrity, and fostering respect for all.

  • Change is essential for continued growth and progress.


Continuation of building positive relationships among students, teachers and peers will be demonstrated through the use of daily and weekly check-ins through interactive Google forms, Microsoft TEAMS, and Google Classroom.

Health & Safety Considerations

Lakota Public Schools will follow the Health and Safety plan to ensure the health and safety of our students, staff, and community during a widespread health emergency.  All actions Lakota Public School takes will be balanced with guidance from local health officials, the North Dakota Department of Health, and community leaders. The District has reviewed the CDC and NDDoH guidelines and created appropriate protocols for cleaning, social distancing, and accommodating for those who are at-risk.

  • Our distance learning plan may need to be adjusted as we consider the health and safety of our students and staff.

Attendance Procedures

Attendance will be determined through the participation of students in the distance learning schedule.


  • AM and PM attendance will be recorded in PowerSchool

High School

  • Attendance will be recorded at the beginning of each period

  • Students are expected to attend each 45-minute period class virtually 


Student engagement and learning opportunities are critical to a student’s academic growth. The following list is how Lakota Public Schools will address attendance during distance learning and ensure that all students have access to an educator:

  • Attendance will be monitored through Distance Learning logins, phone check-ins, and counselor check-ins

  • Attendance will be monitored through student engagement in asynchronous learning sessions

  • Attendance will be monitored through student participation in synchronous learning sessions

  • Attendance will be monitored through presence, participation, engagement, and completion of work

    • A developmentally appropriate level of responsibility and communication is expected from students

  • Any combination of the above

  • Teachers and school counselor will monitor prolonged absences and disengagement and communicate with guardians to provide accommodations to ensure student participation.

  • Excessive absences or disengagement will be addressed by administration.

  • Attendance will be tracked and monitored in PowerSchool

  • Parents will be informed to notify the building secretary if their child will not be able to participate in distance learning school day due to illness or other circumstances. A questionnaire will be completed with school secretary to identify any symptoms present.

  • ND compulsory laws remain in effect during distance learning.

  • Current Lakota School District attendance policies will remain in effect

    • Administration reserves the right to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis

Homeless Students

 In the event of a student being identified as being homeless, our Homeless Liaison would be contacted and would follow up with appropriate procedures and guidelines.

Ensuring Equitable Services for Students and Families during Closure

During an extended closure, Lakota Public Schools believes students benefit from delivery of educational services. These services provide our families and students with consistency and support.  Lakota Public Schools will meet the unique needs of all grade levels, classes, and courses while ensuring both equity and access to high-quality, age-appropriate instruction at each level to ensure full continuity of the regular school experience.

Educators must possess the needed skills to ensure they can create, distribute, and support educational opportunities for our students.  Appropriate training will be provided to ensure the learning environment can be fully implemented.  The Lakota Public School administrators and technology department have been assessing educator skills that is needed for online education of our students.  Ongoing individual and group training will be provided throughout the year to prepare our staff.  Staff participate in webinars, Microsoft TEAMS training, Google Classroom training, tutorials from the technology department, and guided assistance from their peers to obtain the necessary skills to transition to distance learning.

The District may utilize devices such as computers, iPads, Chromebooks, personal devices, paper packets, etc. to deliver lessons to students. The District is preparing delivery and communication through Class Dojo, Google Classroom, Microsoft TEAMS, and ZOOM to ensure that students have regular personal contact with their school instructional and support staff.

Staff Development

  • The District will have staff engaged in ongoing professional development as necessary to prepare and maintain an effective Distance Learning environment.

  • The District will use the support offered by our internal Tech department, peers, EduTech, NESC, and NDCEL to provide ongoing teacher support for Distance Learning, including courses for Distance Learning Teaching, Distance Learning and Tech Support and Virtual PLCs and PWCs.

  • We understand that our distance learning plan will be a working document and that we will need to continually update our plan as necessary.

Student Development

  • Lakota Public Schools will determine which families have a need for technology devices, internet, food insecurities, or immediate social-emotional needs that could be supported by the school counselor.

  • Students will develop an understanding of and adhere to the distance learning schedules and expectations

  • Students will be trained in how to access and navigate courses within the online learning platforms.

  • Check-in forms will be available to students to help monitor future needs which can be addressed by the school counselor, teachers, and administration as necessary and appropriate.

Student Access to Devices

  • Devices are available to students as needed for distance learning.  The District will determine the need of devices through a needs assessment.

  • All elementary students will be issued iPads. Replacement devices that have been ordered are experiencing delayed shipping. Available devices will be setup the best we can and adjustments made to online instruction while we transition with the setup and issuing of new devices. High School students will be issued laptop computers and/or Chromebooks as needed.

  • The District will partner with Lake Region Special Education Unit to ensure access accommodations for students with accessibility needs.

Internet Access

  • Online learning requires access to robust internet services. Online platforms will be used during distance learning which will require all students to have internet access. Service providers in our area include Polar Communications, Midco, and North Dakota Telephone Company.

  • Families needing assistance with internet access will be provided information on how to apply and should contact their local cable subscriber.

Access to All Classes/Courses

Academic programming shall continue to deliver instruction aligned to our district’s guaranteed and viable curriculum. It is our intent to deliver high-quality, grade-level appropriate learning opportunities that align with North Dakota Standards.

Students who have opted into the distance learning model during Phase 1 and/or Phase 2 of the Lakota Public Schools Smart Re-Start will have access to all courses through an online platform (Google Classroom/Microsoft TEAMS).

Students who miss school due to illness or quarantine will have the opportunity to utilize the distance learning platform in order to fully continue their education. 

Elementary (K-6)

During distance learning, Class Dojo, Google Classroom, and ZOOM will be used to virtually interact with our students synchronously and asynchronously to provide services and support.

Teachers and staff will be following the regular school day schedule: Parents will be provided the classroom schedule for their student(s).

Teachers are required to provide quality standards-based instruction, meaningful assignments, and differentiated assessments.  Teachers and support staff will connect with each student at Lakota Elementary School through these platforms.  Weekly lesson plans will be developed by teachers outlining instruction, assignments, and assessments within their distance learning curriculum.

High School (7-12)

During a partial or full closure, Microsoft TEAMS and ZOOM will be used to virtually interact with our students synchronously and asynchronously to provide services and support.

All teachers have each of their courses set up in Microsoft TEAMS. Teachers and staff will be following the regular school day schedule. Classes will be held virtually.

Teachers are required to provide quality standards-based instruction, meaningful assignments, and differentiated assessments.  Teachers and support staff will connect with each student at Lakota High School through these platforms.  Weekly lesson plans will be developed by teachers outlining instruction, assignments, and assessments within their distance learning curriculum.


We will work with CTE supervisors in regards to best teaching practices during distance learning.  Our teachers will collaborate with CTE and other instructors around the state to provide meaningful lessons and projects within our curriculum. 

Teachers will communicate to students the materials for projects and will provide to students as needed.

Services Assurances to Students with Needs

Ensuring high-quality, age-appropriate instruction for all students is always our goal. Special considerations shall be made for students with needs. Students receiving special services through an IEP or a 504 plan are unique and require special services during Distance Learning.



Lakota Elementary is a Schoolwide Title I building. At-risk students are defined as students who received Schoolwide Title I services during the school year. To ensure equitable services to these students during closure, Schoolwide Title I teachers and paraprofessionals will continue to provide scheduled services and instruction.  Title I staff will frequently communicate with classroom teachers to determine and provide additional support as needed to their students. Programming for additional before or after school help may be provided as appropriate and necessary. Special Education staff may be available to help provide support to general education students.


Lakota High School students who were identified as at-risk through our RTI process will continue to receive interventions and support as needed.  High school paraprofessionals, special education staff, the school counselor, and the high school principal will be responsible for checking in on these students and families regularly.


            Special Education and 504

During distance learning, we are committed to providing services to students based on the needs outlined in each child’s IEP or 504.  The following services will include but are not limited to:


Lakota School District will work in conjunction with Lake Region Special Education (LRSE) to make educational decisions for students with IEPS on an individual basis in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and ND Department of Instruction office of Special Education Guidelines. Case managers and school teams will meet (in-person, virtually or by phone) to collaborate with parents/guardians on an individual education plan (IEP) for their child.  When planning for distance education, teams will take into consideration the student’s preferred learning method, ability for independent work, access to adult support, adaptations/accommodations, assistive technology needs, how progress will be monitored, and additional barriers to student access to general education curriculum.


Distance learning for special needs students may include virtual learning, web-based sites, online services, and telephone contacts. Distance learning plans could also utilize textbooks, workbooks, worksheets, documents made available on technology devices, online resources and other Internet content. LRSE staff will only utilize online platforms that meet FERPA requirements.  Ongoing communication with families throughout the distance learning period will also be delineated. Our goal is to develop plans that will ensure equitable and effective access provide FAPE for students with special needs in ALL learning environments. 


Contingency Learning Plans may be used in the case of a short-term or emergency school closure.  These plans will be developed in conjunction with the student’s IEP.  The parents/guardians, case managers, and service providers will collaborate on each IEP goal and determine how best to meet these goals through distance learning.  Documentation of the contingency learning plans will be completed and shared with parents on a Prior Written Notice of Special Education Action. These forms will be sent digitally or by mail, if requested, to each family. Further changes to services can be discussed and documented as needed. Learning plans will consider both synchronous online learning (e.g. chat, streaming, video, instant message, web conferencing) or asynchronous online learning with capability for remote communication and assessment (e.g. email or learning management systems that deliver, track and manage classes or projects). Contingency learning plans will be implemented as needed during selective closure due to a COVID-19 outbreak. 

Case managers will be available through virtual meeting hours to be established by each case manager.  During this time, case managers will be accessible to support families and students.  This may be done through telephone, teleconference or any online platform.  IEP meetings will be scheduled through virtual methods as needed. Progress reports will be provided to parents to assist in determining progress with IEP goals.


It may be necessary to adjust special education and related services, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech services, while students are receiving distance/virtual learning.  Any changes to services will be reflected in the child’s individualized contingency learning plan.  In collaboration with parents, the ability to provide related services will be determined based on school closures, risk assessments, and student needs. 

While the contingency learning plan is utilized during school closures, the student’s IEP will remain in place and services defined in that document will be resumed once students return to school.


Preschool Special Education

During distance learning, teachers and case managers will communicate with families to assist in determining appropriate services for support to be provided in the home setting. Activities will be organized through learning kits and packets that include materials to address goals and objectives in speech, language, early learning readiness and foundational skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills and behavioral skills as identified by student Individual Education Plans. Materials will be provided with weekly lessons to be sent home digitally, by mail or to be picked up at a pre-determined location. While the majority of materials at the preschool level will be paper/pencil or skill building games and activities based on readiness, language and motor skills, age-appropriate web-based activities will also be provided as requested for families to utilize to continue student learning. Case managers will maintain regular contact hours when families can reach out through email or telephone for communication, additional guidance and assistance. All case managers will follow the same procedures for documentation and communication as outlined in the special education section. For children transitioning from Part C to Part B, LRSE and district schools will meet virtually or by phone with early intervention providers and parents for completing checklists to assist in determining eligibility. If appropriate, IEP meetings will be held as well either virtually or by phone.


            English Language Learners

Lakota Public Schools will continue to follow procedures in its LAU Plan and continue to identify English learners within 30 days of the first day of school or two weeks of enrollment during the school year. EL staff will provide services through virtual setting and utilize learning management systems implemented by classroom teacher.   Scaffolding of instruction and accessibility to necessary content will be in place. EL staff will work collaboratively with classroom teachers to adapt the language instruction education program as necessary. Individualized Learning Plans (ILP) will be reviewed and updated as normal. ILP meetings will be held virtually or by phone. ACCESS testing will be provided in a secure environment. Guidelines from NDDPI and WIDA will be followed. EL staff shall communicate with each EL student’s family to address individual supports necessary during distance learning. Translation services shall be provided to EL families.


School Counseling

Lakota Public Schools will continue to offer school guidance counseling services and lessons. Additionally, the school counselor will adhere to the ASCA virtual learning guidance and ethics, which have been reviewed and entered into our synchronous and asynchronous platforms. Plans for providing Comprehensive Lakota K-12 School Counseling Services are as follows:

The Lakota School Counselor, Administration, Faculty and Staff are all part of our K-12 School Counseling Program. Building relationships, monitoring student’s mental health and teaching resiliency skills are priority components of our Social Emotional Programming.   We will continue to place emphasis on student social emotional health.

The Lakota Public School Counselor will continue to offer School Counseling to Lakota Public school students and will adhere to the ASCA virtual learning guidance and ASCA ethical practices.

ASCA Guidance Position Statements

Ethical Standards

  1. Weekly K-12 student check-ins will be done through an interactive School Counseling Check-In form.  The form will ask students about sleep patterns, food insecurities, overall affect, student needs and well-being.  The data is automatically compiled in an Excel spreadsheet and provides an efficient means to follow up on student needs.  The check-in will be delivered with a link to the form through Microsoft TEAMS for the high school and Google Classroom for elementary students.

  2. High School IEP and 504 students will have additional daily check-ins with special education personal and paraprofessionals.  Elementary students will have daily check-ins with a variety of teachers, special education staff, Title, ELL, administration and the counselor. 

  3. Using the interactive weekly student check-in will help identify the most critical needs and be given priority.  The school counselor, administration and needed staff will follow up and contact students/families with identified needs.  Teachers will also inform the school counselor of student concerns for follow up.  Follow-up will use synchronous online options (e.g., chat, phone, streaming, video, instant messaging, web conferences) or asynchronous online options (e.g., email, or learning management systems that  deliver, track and manage classes or projects).

  4.  Comprehensive K-12 school counseling classroom lessons will continue through grade-level online class platforms. At the high school level Microsoft Teams will be used and Google Classroom at the elementary.   The lessons will aim at educational excellence through maximizing individual potential.

  1. K-12 lessons will include career/college readiness skills, social-emotional learning, coping skills, resiliency and tools for positive mental health.  Sources of lesson materials may include: Virtual Job Shadow, RUReadyND, 7 Mindsets, Mind-Up Curriculum, Class DoJo, Bibliotherapy, I Am Resilient etc.  Lessons will be adjusted as additional information is acquired to provide effective online learning opportunities.  Lessons and materials will be used with guidance from ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors for student success and the North Dakota Career Development Content Standards.

If the school counselor is not available, contact the respective school administrators or in the case of an emergency dial numbers listed on the school website.  e.g. Firstlink 2-1-1 and National Suicide Hotline for North Dakota.

  • The School Counselor will connect and collaborate with community and other resource providers to share with students and families as needed.  Resources will be posted on the Lakota School Counseling website page.  

  • Continue to update scholarships and student opportunities on the Lakota school Counseling website page.

  •  As 504 coordinator the school counselor will continue to develop, implement, and maintain 504 plans alongside the 504 team.

  •  Participate in professional development opportunities regarding effective distance learning and adjust counseling services accordingly.   

  1. School Counselor Office Hours will depend on classroom schedules and will be posted.

  2. As testing coordinator continue to organize. manage and implement testing testing requirements.  

Outside support:

Outside partnership providers will continue to stay in touch with students and families.

Suicide Protocol: Suicide/Crisis Protocol for Distance Learning

  • If there are concerns about suicide ideations. Remain with student, remain online with student as much as possible.

  • Contact (call) parent ASAP and voice concerns. The only exception is if the child is in an abusive environment.

  • If parent is unavailable, contact the local police department and ask for a welfare check on the student

  • Best Practice:  Inform the parent about the suicide ideation/suicide concerns.

High-Quality, Effective, Standards-Based Education

Student Engagement / Standards-Based Instruction

Lakota Public Schools will provide substantive distance learning and engagement through a variety of modes of instruction, methods of content delivery, and process for monitoring learning.  Lakota Public Schools is committed to providing high-quality, engaging education that maintains an appropriate level of academic rigor and covers the required North Dakota content specific standards.

To insure student engagement, Lakota Public Schools is committed to implementing the following elements into our curriculum:

Live-Stream Virtual Classroom Sessions (High School)

  • Teachers will follow the regular school day schedule to deliver instruction virtually through the Microsoft Teams Meet live-stream.  Teachers will provide live instruction, facilitate discussion, and promote student-to-student collaboration.  Live-stream sessions give students the opportunity to have face-to-face communication with other students and the teacher virtually.  We have seen evidence of students looking forward to the live-stream sessions as well as increased student excitement and participation in this virtual classroom platform.

  • Teachers will provide students with expectations and rules within their online classroom

  • Teachers will develop procedures for live-stream classroom instruction

Live-Stream Virtual Classroom Sessions (Elementary)

  • Teachers will follow the regular school day schedule to deliver instruction virtually through the use of Google Classroom tool including Google Meet. Screencastify may support live instruction. Google Chat allows for student-to-student collaboration and supports classroom discussion. Live-Streams will be recorded and available to students that may be absent or need to access instruction again.

  • Teachers will provide students with expectations and rules within their online classroom

  • Teachers will develop procedures for live-stream classroom instruction


Project/problem based learning

  • Each teacher will integrate project/problem based learning opportunities into their curriculum.  Examples of projects include Genius Hour, collaborative Blogster projects, research based papers, video presentations, entrepreneur business plans, at-home science experiments, etc.


Utilizing the home environment

  • Teachers will create a distance learning curriculum that allows students to utilize resources students have in their own homes. Tools and supplies that are available to students at home will be used in lessons and projects.

  • Families will be encouraged to create a learning space at home that allows students to participate fully during the school day.

  • Delivery/pickup of curriculum materials may need to be scheduled in order to have all needed resources available in the home.


Interactive online resources

  • Teachers will utilize their current class textbooks in combination with interactive online resources to deliver instruction and assign activities

  • Teachers will collaborate to implement creative engagement strategies within their online classroom

  • Logins and procedures for accessing online resources will be provided to students


Lakota Public Schools will provide our students with high quality, standards-based learning opportunities within the distance learning model.  We understand the unique situation we as a school and our families experience during distance learning.  Our goal is to provide structured instruction while maintaining personalized learning and willingness to work with each student’s circumstances.


Delivery of content/lesson

  • Teachers will use a combination of videos, notes, powerpoints, online resources, and live-stream sessions to deliver content and lessons

  • Teachers will continue to provide a full school days’ worth of instruction within the distance learning model.

  • Each teacher will be covering ND standards within their specific content area.  Lakota Public Schools will proceed with a full continuation of standards-based instruction.


Provisions for Instructional Support



Teachers will use the following for assessments

  • Online quizzes/tests

  • Electronic delivery of assignments

  • Written reflections and essays with regular feedback

  • Live-Stream Sessions

  • Oral Quizzes

  • Formative Assessments

  • Online Tools

  • Newsela, Flipgrid, Science World, virtual tours, Khan Academy, Quizlet, Ag Explorer, Music Play, Scholastic, Kahoot, EZ Test Maker, Mystery Science, IXL, Social Studies Weekly, etc.


All K-12 students will be required to complete assessments within the first four weeks of returning back to school. These assessments will allow our teachers and administration to determine proficiencies and deficiencies in skills. Students will complete NWEA testing in the areas of Math, Reading, Language Arts, and Science. Assessments may be completed remotely if necessary. It is our intent to test early on at the return of school so we have this data to guide instruction, intervention, and enrichment. Other assessments that will be used at the elementary level include DIBELS and NWEA Reading Fluency.



The District’s grading policy and grade scale is appropriate for distance learning; therefore, it will remain the same during distance learning. Assignments may be graded digitally and/or physically. Grades will be entered in Power School regularly and available for parents and students. Reporting periods will remain the same and reports available at mid-term, end of each quarter, and end of each semester. Teachers will continue to maintain an appropriate line of communication with parents and students regarding expectations of grades.


Academic Progress Monitoring

Lakota Public Schools recognizes monitoring student progress will be required to determine what supports may need to be provided if a student is not making adequate progress.

  • Teachers will continue to hold PLC, staff meetings, or grade-level meetings to monitor students

  • Teachers will utilize online tools to monitor student progress and make adjustments through differentiated instructional formats for students not making progress.

  • Teachers will provide feedback and opportunities for mastery learning to ensure progress

  • Teachers will scaffold learning through its distance learning platforms

  • Progress reports will be mailed to families at mid-quarter

If a classroom teacher has students not making progress during distance learning, the teacher will contact the family. The teacher will provide assistance to schedule additional support. Teachers may also complete a referral to support staff if they have concerns about a student.  Support staff will reach out to families to schedule support times. Administration will have access to Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams and student reporting within implemented digital applications and platforms.  Administration will address concerns pertaining to student progress with classroom teachers to determine support implementation as needed.


Lakota Public Schools will continue to monitor progress through the PowerSchool platform.  Teachers will enter grades and feedback into PowerSchool to allow students and parents to monitor progress. Teachers will have ongoing communication with students and parents in regards to progress concerns.  Building principals and school counselor will also be notified by teachers of individual student progress concerns.

School Lunch

Lakota Public Schools will follow guidance from NDDPI and USDA in the distribution of student meals.


During Phase 1 of our Restart Plan, Lakota School will adhere to the following:

  • Lunch schedules will be staggered to allow for distancing in the lunchroom during meals as feasible.  Time will be allotted for cleaning between groups.

  • Elementary students will go through the lunch line utilizing social distancing guidelines and follow a rotating schedule to eat in gym/classrooms so distancing procedures can be implemented appropriately. High School students will be served meals at the High School and will eat in designated classrooms/areas.

  • All components of the lunch program will be served by qualified personnel to individuals.  All self-serve options will be eliminated.

  • Lunch count will be taken in the classroom by the teachers and school personnel will enter student lunch numbers at point of sale.

  • Open campus rules will be the same as in the past.  

  • We will follow guidelines for serving food as set by the ND Public Health and the ND Department of Public Instruction.


During Phase 2 of our Restart Plan, Lakota School will adhere to the following:

  • Lunch schedules will be staggered.  Time will be allotted for cleaning between groups.

  • Elementary lunches will be served to students their classrooms.  High School students will be served meals at the High School and will eat in designated classrooms/areas.

  • All components of the lunch program will be served by qualified personnel to individuals.  All self-serve options will be eliminated.

  • Lunch count will be taken in the classroom by the teachers and school personnel will enter student lunch numbers at point of sale.

  • Open campus rules will be the same as in the past.  

  • We will follow guidelines for serving food as set by the ND Public Health and the ND Department of Public Instruction.

In the event that Lakota School enters into Phase 3 (Distance Learning only) of our Restart Plan, we will determine at that time how best to meet the needs of our school families.  Lunches may be delivered or available for pick-up upon request.  Normal lunch fees would remain in effect.  More information will be available if we enter Phase 3.

Human Resources - Support

During any crisis including the current health crisis, supporting our educators and support personnel is necessary to continue to provide quality and consistent educational services to our students. Continual evaluation and emergency planning for the business office will be necessary.

Business Office Operations

District operations in the event of an extended school closure or full closure preparations have been made to ensure continuation of payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and all employee services to continue. Business Office and human resource staff are equipped to work remotely from home if necessary. 

Human Resource Policies & Procedures

Our administration reviewed the policies that related to staff leave and will monitor all other policies that may need to be addressed to ensure that all operations follow local health requirements and/or other state and/or federal requirements.

In the event of a full closure of schools and district operations due to COVID-19, the Superintendent, School Board Policy Committee and Business Manager will follow all federal and state laws and regulations in regards to sick leave, personal leave, and leave without pay.

The school board may wish to suspend policies that limit or prevent operational efficiency or conflict with emergency declarations or guidance from community health officials.

Federal Programs & Funds

The Lakota Public School District will continue to comply with guidance and regulations of all federal programs that affect the Lakota Public School District.